
By-laws of the Women’s Studies Association of Japan


Article 1
The name of the association shall be the Women’s Studies Association of Japan (herein after know as the “Association”).
Article 2
The object of the Association shall be to eliminate all forms of discrimination based on sex or gender and to establish and develop an interdisciplinary field of women’s studies (hereafter referred as the “Field”)beyond the conventional framework of academic studies through promoting research and facilitating exchange of information in the Field.
Article 3
To fulfill the aims set out in Article 2, the Association shall

  1. Hold seminars;
  2. Hold lectures open to the public;
  3. Publish an academic journal;
  4. Conduct other activities necessary to fulfill these aims.
Article 4
Members shall be those who agree with the aims set out in Article 2 and conduct studies in the Field.
(Second sentence of Article 4 deleted June 12, 2004.)
Article 5
To become a member, a prospective member must be recommended by two regular members, file an application to the Board of Directors and be approved by the Board of Directors.
(As amended June 12, 2004.)
Article 6
Members must pay the membership fee set at the general assembly meeting.
Article 7
Members may withdraw from membership by notifying the Association in writing.
Article 8
The Association shall have several Directors.
Article 9
The Directors shall be elected from among regular members at the annual general assembly meeting. The Directors shall constitute the Board of Directors.
Article 10
The Chair of the Board of Directors shall be elected from among the Directors and shall be the principal representative of the Association.
Article 11
To facilitate administration of the Association, the Board may appoint several Officers from among the Directors.
Article 12
The term of office of Directors shall be 2 years. Directors may be elected to no more than 2 consecutive terms. (Proviso clause as amended June 13, 1987.)
Article 13
The association shall have two comptrollers. Comptrollers shall be nominated by the Board of Directors from the regular members and shall be approved at the general assembly meeting. The term of office of comptrollers shall be in accordance with Article 12. (Second sentence as amended June 11, 1988.)
Article 14
The Association shall hold an annual general assembly meeting. An extraordinary general assembly meeting may be called at any time if the Board of Directors deems it necessary or at the request of no fewer than two thirds of regular members.
Article 15
Except as provided in Article 17, decisions at the general assembly meeting shall require the approval of a majority of attending regular members. If there is an equal number of yes and no votes, the decision shall be made by the chairperson.
Article 16
Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called as necessary to operate and administer the Association.
Article 17
Amendment of the by-laws of the Association or dissolution of the Association shall require the approval of no fewer than two thirds of regular members at the general assembly meeting.
Article 18
The by-laws of the Association shall become effective on June 1, 1980.

(Only the original Japanese text of the by-laws shall have effect, and the English translation is to be used solely as reference material.)