
WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 31 (2023)

Journal of Women’s Studies Association of Japan

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 31 (2023)

Edited by the Editorial Committee of the Women’s Studies Association of Japan


Special Issue: How Japanese Society Has Changed against Sexual Crimes and Sexual Violence
How Japanese Society Has Changed against Sexual Crimes and Sexual Violence: The Path to a Society Where Perpetrators are Held Accountable, and Victims’ Feelings and Thoughts are Accepted and Considered(Facilitator)  KITANAKA Chisato
The Reality of Sexual Violence as Seen from Support Sites SUTO Yumiko
June 2023 Penal Code Amendment: Will Sexual Acts without Consent be  Punished? NAKAYAMA  Junko
Media and Sexual Violence: Victims, Media Reporting, and Surrounding Background YOSHINAGA  Mami
Female Researchers in Japan Discuss Attitudes toward Research Careers: A Survey of Interviews with Participants in the Higher Position Development Program HIGUMA Ai

KAWANO Yoshiyuki

The Use of Gender in the Spread of Western-style Makeup: Focusing on the Role of Hairdressers YANG Yayun
Intimacy and Gender Equality in Married Couples as “Personality Care Relationships”: With a Cue from “Feminist Theory of Justice” OKADA Kumiko
Considering How to Theorize Military Masculinities of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces:

The Military Organization for Combat Missions or Non-combat Missions?


Published by The Women’s Studies Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

投稿日: 2025年1月9日 カテゴリー: Journal

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 21 (2013)

Journal of Women’s Studies Association of Japan

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 21 (2013)

Edited by the Editorial Committee of the Women’s Studies Association of Japan


What Is “Beauty” for “Women”? : Order, Capitalization or the Change of Norms
The “Beauty” and “Body” of a Woman Depicted in Modern Japanese Literary Works MINASHITA Kiriu
(Rieko Tanaka)
Resistance against Beauty Hierarchy: What Women Professional Wrestlers Suggest AIBA Keiko
The Necessity for the Education to Protect Children against the Commercialization of Sexuality KANEKO Yumiko
How to Survive Harassment Based on Appearance: Suffering and Dealing with NISHIKURA Miki
Discourses on Migrant Women not Called “Japayuki-san”:
An Analysis of Magazine Articles from the Late 1980’s to the Early 1990’s

Published by The Women’s Studies Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

投稿日: 2014年3月1日 カテゴリー: Journal

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 20 (2012)

Journal of Women’s Studies Association of Japan

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 20 (2012)

Edited by the Editorial Committee of the Women’s Studies Association of Japan


Special Issue: A Critical Reconsideration on the Meaning of Motherhood and Feminism
Concerned Parties: Second Wave Feminist Consciousness and Present-mindedness KANOU Mikiyo
Talking Feminism with Doma: Life Story Practice with a Woman from Yolma, Nepal SATO Seika
The Medicalization of Infant-Feeding and Gender: The Depute over the Contamination of Mother’s Milk with Dioxin” and the Practical Knowledge of Midwives MURATA Yasuko
“The Theory of Nutrition” and Feminism of Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobi in Late Nineteenth-century America: Her Interpretation of Menstruation and Anemia YOKOYAMA Miwa
Research Note:
The Stories of a Princess/ a Prince: A Study on La FillettePevolutionnaireUtena YAGI Chieko

Published by The Women’s Studies Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

投稿日: 2013年3月1日 カテゴリー: Journal

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 19 (2011)

Journal of Women’s Studies Association of Japan

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 19 (2011)

Edited by the Editorial Committee of the Women’s Studies Association of Japan


Special Issue: Can Social Policy Be Neutral to Diverse Lifestyles?
The Fairness of Life Styles and the Modern Family SENDA Yuki
Two Worlds of “Work-Life Balance” HAGIWALA Kumiko
An Analysis of the Deterioration of the Child Allowance Policy in Japan from the Perspective of Gender KITA Akemi
Constructing the Relationship between Transgenders and the Sexual Majority: From the Stories of Transgender Group Organizers ISHI Yukari
Care Workers and Gendered Jobs: A Study of the Mechanisms of Men’s Superiority at Work in Women’s Jobs SHIMAHARA Mie
The Transformation in Awareness among Disabled Women during the Disabled Persons’ Movement of the 1970s: Focus on “Fujin-bu (Women’s Division)” of Kanagawa Joint Association of Aoi-shiba NIKAIDO Yuko
Research Note:
The Hierarchical Relationships among Masculinities and Gender Order: Rethinking the Concept of Hegemonic Masculinity KAWAGUCHI Ryo
Debate over Single-sex and Coed Education in the Primary and the Secondary Education in the United States MIYAKE Eriko

Published by The Women’s Studies Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

投稿日: 2012年3月1日 カテゴリー: Journal

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 18 (2010)

Journal of Women’s Studies Association of Japan

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 18 (2010)

Edited by the Editorial Committee of the Women’s Studies Association of Japan


Special Issue: Critical Reconsideration of the Meaning of Motherhood and Feminism
Waiting for the Academia to Change Society with the Cooperation of Interest Groups AKABANE Kayoko
The Course of Women’s Studies over the Last Thirty Years and the Changes in Society EHARA Yumiko
Women’s Studies Related to Women’s Facilities or Facilities for a Gender Equal Society NAITO Kazumi
“Feminism” and “Women’s Studies” as the Issue of Interactions ARAKI Naho
Disability Movement’s Critique on Reproductive Technology through the Feminist Perspective HAYASHI Chiaki
A Role-Playing body : An Analysis of the Representation of “Being Something” YAGI Chieko
Domestic Violence (DV) Cases in Custody Decisions in Swedish Courts: In “the Child’s Best Interest” and for “Gender Equality” YOSHIZUMI Kyoko
Research Note:
The Empowerment of Women Working as Designated Managers for Non-profit Organizations in Charge of Women’s Facilities ITO Shizuka

Published by The Women’s Studies Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

投稿日: 2011年3月1日 カテゴリー: Journal

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 17 (2009)

Journal of Women’s Studies Association of Japan

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 17 (2009)

Edited by the Editorial Committee of the Women’s Studies Association of Japan


Special Issue: Querying Poverty and Labor from a Gender Perspective
A Single Woman: Speaking as “the Other Woman” in Feminism or Engaging in “the Other Woman” in Myself KURITA Ryouko
Single Mothers: A Discussion with the Women’s Studies Association of Japan AKAISHI Chieko
Women’s Studies: Its Needs to Develop its Own Interdisciplinary Foundation TANAKA Kazuko
An Analysis of the Increase and the Variety of Local Women Legislators in Japan: Career Paths of Women’s Candidates in Local Elections OKI Naoko
Complicated Gender Factors in the Enactment of the Spouse Visa in the Japanese 1982 Immigration law: A Case of Counter Action by The Association for Multi-Cultural Families (AMF) KOBAYASHI Junko
Analysis of Experienced Employees in Women’s Centers: Their Ability and its Interrelationship NAITO Kazumi
Prenatal Testing: Disentangling Solidarity from Conflicts between Feminists and Disability Activists HAYASHI Chiaki

Published by The Women’s Studies Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

投稿日: 2010年3月1日 カテゴリー: Journal

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 16 (2008)

Journal of Women’s Studies Association of Japan

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 16 (2008)

Edited by the Editorial Committee of the Women’s Studies Association of Japan


Special Issue: Gender Equality in the Gap-Widening Society
Is Male-dominated Employment in Japan Going out of Style? KAIZUMA Keiko
The Contemporary Gender Equality Policy in Japan from the 3rd Koizumi Cabinet to Fukuda’s MINAGAWA Masumi
Issues of Gender Equality in Present Day Aomori: The Expanding Gap Between Haves and Have-nots in Society and the Gender Equality Policy OSANAI Sekiko
Before and After the Enactment of the Gender-equality Act in Ube: Examination of the Citizen-Participant-Model in Local Autonomy KOSHIBA Hisako
Why is Rape “Antragsdelikte” in Japan?: The Implication of “Victim’s Interests” on the Discourse about Criminal Law TAKASHIMA Chise
The Order of the Visual Field “ Showing Peculiarity in Sex Categories: Interviews with People Identified as Having “Gender Identity Disorder” TSURUTA Sachie
“Invisible Housework” inside Unpaid Work through a Detailed Questionnaire Investigation FUJITA Tomoko

Published by The Women’s Studies Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

投稿日: 2009年3月1日 カテゴリー: Journal

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 15 (2007)

Journal of Women’s Studies Association of Japan

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 15 (2007)

Edited by the Editorial Committee of the Women’s Studies Association of Japan


Special Issue: Queering the Backlash: A Critical Perspective on the Binary Sex/Gender System
The Backlash and the Reconstruction of Dualist Sex/Gender Ideology INOUE Teruko
What does “the Neutralization of Man” Mean? KAZAMA Takashi
Deciphering the Multiple Phobias of Backlash Discourses MAREE Claire
Queers and “Prioritization” Tanaka Ray
Queering the Backlash towards a Critical Thinking of Our Inner Phobias KANAI Yoshiko
Possibilities for Women’s Involvement in the New Public Sphere: Towards a Society that Recognizes Interdependence HORI Kumi
Research Note:
What Kind of Approach is “Queering”? IINO Yuriko
To Speak about Pain, to Listen to Pain, or Pain as a Relationship: Rethinking “A-bomb Drawings by Survivors” JEONG Yujin

Published by The Women’s Studies Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

投稿日: 2008年3月1日 カテゴリー: Journal

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 14 (2006)

Journal of Women’s Studies Association of Japan

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 14 (2006)

Edited by the Editorial Committee of the Women’s Studies Association of Japan


Special Issue: Power and Trauma Connected With Gender
Violence and Trauma: What I Learned from Clinical Experience with Victims of Sexual and Domestic Violence MIYAJI Naoko
Against Structural Violence OGOSHI Aiko
“Violence” and Education from a Feminist Perspective KIMURA Ryoko
Prostitution and Sexual Freedom SHIMOJI Masaki
The Origin of Second-Wave Feminism in the UK: Equal Pay Demands from the Ruskin Conference TOMINAGA Takahiro
The Mourning “Mothers”: Problems of the Feminist Subject and a Fetus MATSUURA Yumiko

Published by The Women’s Studies Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

投稿日: 2007年3月1日 カテゴリー: Journal

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 13 (2005)

Journal of Women’s Studies Association of Japan

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 13 (2005)

Edited by the Editorial Committee of the Women’s Studies Association of Japan


Special Issue: Feminism and War
The Difficulties Surrounding Female Soldiers SATO Fumika
“Women’s Participation in the Mosaic Battlefront”and the Violence of Reorganized Masculinity KAIZUMA Keiko
From the Subject of Violence to the Agency of Non-Violence OKANO Yayo
Homophobia in Contemporary Gothic: Proximity and Homogeneity of Terror IKOMA Natsumi
The Politics of Gender and Sexuality in England: the Invisibility of Female “Homo-Sexuality” and Its Historical Background NODA Keiko
Ordinary Woman Living between “Sex Workers” and “Sexual Slaves”: Cases of Thai Women in the Global Sex Industry AOYAMA Kaoru
The Connection between “Haisho” Theory and Birth Control Theory: the Eugenics of Isoo Abe HAYASHI Yoko
A Comparison of Women which Results from the Diversity of Female Life Courses: Discourse Analysis of the “ Agnes Controversy” MYOKI Shinobu
A Woman’s Vote/Vote Action Made Invisible: An Example of Toyota-shi in Showa of the ’30s MANO masako

Published by The Women’s Studies Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

投稿日: 2006年3月1日 カテゴリー: Journal