WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 31 (2023)

Journal of Women’s Studies Association of Japan

WOMEN’S STUDIES Vol. 31 (2023)

Edited by the Editorial Committee of the Women’s Studies Association of Japan


Special Issue: How Japanese Society Has Changed against Sexual Crimes and Sexual Violence
How Japanese Society Has Changed against Sexual Crimes and Sexual Violence: The Path to a Society Where Perpetrators are Held Accountable, and Victims’ Feelings and Thoughts are Accepted and Considered(Facilitator)  KITANAKA Chisato
The Reality of Sexual Violence as Seen from Support Sites SUTO Yumiko
June 2023 Penal Code Amendment: Will Sexual Acts without Consent be  Punished? NAKAYAMA  Junko
Media and Sexual Violence: Victims, Media Reporting, and Surrounding Background YOSHINAGA  Mami
Female Researchers in Japan Discuss Attitudes toward Research Careers: A Survey of Interviews with Participants in the Higher Position Development Program HIGUMA Ai

KAWANO Yoshiyuki

The Use of Gender in the Spread of Western-style Makeup: Focusing on the Role of Hairdressers YANG Yayun
Intimacy and Gender Equality in Married Couples as “Personality Care Relationships”: With a Cue from “Feminist Theory of Justice” OKADA Kumiko
Considering How to Theorize Military Masculinities of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces:

The Military Organization for Combat Missions or Non-combat Missions?


Published by The Women’s Studies Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan